Spiritual Psychosis: Breaking the mental illness concept while understanding psychic or extrasensory perception and transcendence.

By Dr. Stephanie El-Chakieh, Pharm.D., M.Sc.

Foreword by Dr. Arwa El-Housseini, M.D., Pharm.D. (Psychiatrist)

This book is aligned with my upcoming TEDx Talk: Why I don’t believe in the concept of mental health anymore.

Summary: Dr. Stephanie El-Chakieh’s personal and spiritual growth journey was jump-started when she experienced an unexpected spiritual experience that led her to question her sanity, education, and the concepts of illness, mental health, and normality. In Spiritual Psychosis, Dr. El-Chakieh provides new perspectives on mental and physical health that interweave discussions of mystical experiences, mediumship, and self-transcendence. The result? A bold contrarian take on mental illness that empowers its readers to question prevailing norms, theories, and beliefs to redefine healthcare.